Oslo is my hometown

These photos from Oslo are left-overs from yesterday’s large gallery – a part of my monthly photo challenge: “The Changing Seasons” and my first post for WordPress’ Photo101: «Home».

If you want to know more about «The Changing Seasons», check out my first post here: https://cardinalguzman.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/monthly-photo-challenge-the-changing-seasons-01/

Or, click the image below to see all my previous posts in this challenge.


Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 04

Like Charles Bukowski put it: ‘The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills‘ and it’s time for the fourth post in this blogging event that I’ve named «The Changing Seasons».  This photo project will run throughout the year and everyone with a blog and a camera is welcome to join (you can still join even if you’ve missed out on the first posts).

The rules are simple and the idea behind it is to get you to shoot often and continuously, to build up your portfolio, get some photographic experience and have fun. This way you’ll capture the changing seasons throughout the year. I started this challenge in January with photos that I shot in December, so in this gallery I present the photos that I took in March.

These photos were all shot in Oslo on different days during March and with different cameras (my DSLR and my pocket camera). The photos that look like spring has arrived, were shot about a week before the ones with snow.


  • Find a location near your home. Each month take somewhere between 5-20 photos and post them in a gallery in your blog (I’ll post mine on the 7th, but you can choose your own publishing date).
  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons (this makes it very easy for others to follow the challenge using the WordPress reader if your blog is running in the WordPress platform).
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.

Check out the participants blogs:


Feel free to use this widget in your blog if you like. Click on the image to see my previous posts.

I’m (still) in the process of moving to another apartment (I’ll be moving in the end of this month), so I might be slow when it comes to replying to comments and visiting posts.   

Find all the previous posts in this tag: https://cardinalguzman.wordpress.com/tag/the-changing-seasons/

Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 03

Another month has passed and it passed quickly (February is short). I took the time to shoot some photos from Oslo for this monthly photo challenge called “The Changing Seasons”. If you want to join the challenge it’s not too late yet. You can read about the few rules in the first post: Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 01

The idea behind it is to get you to shoot often and continuously, to build up your portfolio, get some photographic experience and have fun. If you do post something, please leave a link to your blog in this post.

The photos in my gallery were shot on different days in February and with two different cameras (DSLR and pocket camera).

I’m looking forward to see your entries!

Last month the link section was a bit unorganized and for some reason I didn’t get all the pingbacks (sometimes WordPress’ pingback function doesn’t work properly – I don’t know why), so there was 4 of you that “went under the radar”. Luckily I discovered those 4 when preparing this a few days ago and I added the links to the post.

Check out the participants entries: 


Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 02

A month has passed already! As many of you already know, I decided to have a photo project going throughout 2015 – a blogging event, a monthly photo challenge without too many rules and on the 7th each month, I promised to be posting a gallery containing 10-20 pictures from Oslo’s city center.

The rules were simple and I’m very glad that a lot of you decided to join the challenge. If you haven’t joined, but feel like joining, it’s not too late. The idea behind it is to get you to shoot often and continuously, to build up your portfolio, get some photographic experience and have fun. This way you’ll capture the changing seasons throughout the year. I could write more about this, but it’s easier if you check out the first post and read all about it there: https://cardinalguzman.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/monthly-photo-challenge-the-changing-seasons-01/ Here’s my gallery with photos from downtown Oslo. These were all shot on the same snowy morning early in January. I’m looking forward to see your entries!


  • Find a location near your home. Each month take somewhere between 5-20 photos and post them in a gallery in your blog (I’ll post mine on the 7th).
  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons (this makes it very easy for others to follow the challenge using the WordPress reader if your blog is running in the WordPress platform).
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.

Check out the participants blogs (those with full links have updated posts for this challenge):


Feel free to use this widget in your blog if you like.

EDIT: I’m in the process of moving to another apartment, so I’ll be slow when it comes to replying to comments and visiting posts.   

Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 01

I decided to have a photo project going throughout 2015 – a blogging event, a monthly photo challenge. One time per month (on the 7th), I’ll be posting a gallery containing 10-20 pictures from Oslo’s city center.

I’d like you to join me on this project: Find a location near your home, take somewhere between 5-20 photos and post them in a gallery in your blog. Continue to do this every month. For my project I’ve chosen the general area “downtown Oslo”, but if you like to, you can choose a more specific area like a park or a building. It doesn’t even have to be a city. If you live on the countryside, there’s probably plenty of locations to choose from nearby: a field with some trees, a beach, a mountain, or just a simple dirt road? It can be whatever. Just keep the project going throughout the year. Try to shoot every month, so that in the end of the year, you’ll have a nice and diverse set of photos in your portfolio. The idea is to capture all the changes: the seasons, the weather, different times of the day, some night photography perhaps?
Also, the idea is to build your portfolio and train your eye. I shot the photos in my gallery in December and next month I’ll post a gallery with photos I’ll take this month (I haven’t shot them yet).


  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
  • Each month (I suggest between the 07th-15th, but it’s up to you), post 5-20 photos in a gallery. (I’ll post mine on the 7th).
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.



Photo Galleries | Random 2014

I thought that I’d recycle – it’s environmental friendly, plus there’s not a lot of traffic during the holidays, so posting new stuff is useless anyway. Enjoy these two photo galleries with random shots uploaded in 2014.

January – May:

June – December:

These are my plans for 2015:

  • The weekly Sunday posts in my secondary blog won’t continue (only 2 or 3 of you will miss those posts, so it won’t be a big loss).
  • Instead I’ll do a couple of guest posts in other blogs, and..
  • … I’ve been thinking about starting a monthly challenge that will give you a diverse set of pictures for your portfolio.
  • I might (or I might not) finish one of my neverending projects (The digital drawing of Alice in Wonderland).
  • Hopefully I’ll publish the next article in the History of Tattoo (I think I said that last year too, so don’t get your hopes up).
  • And of course it’ll be business as usual: participating in weekly photo challenges, posting a photo now & then, here & there.

Photo101 Wrap-up

The Photo101 month is over. I’ve already posted a gallery with some of my favorite shots on the second weekend of photo101. Now it’s the last weekend, so here’s another gallery (I made sure not to choose the same ones as last time).

Weekly Photo Challenge: Achievement

As some you know, I’m participating in WordPress #photo101 project (hosted by @cherilucas, @michelleweber, @jenhooks & @rootjosh). So far I’ve posted something every day (we have the weekends off) and for me, that’s an achievement. Since achievement is the theme for WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge this week, I thought I’d present to you this gallery with some of the highlights from the past two weeks. If you want to visit the original posts, just scroll through the blog and you’ll find them.

New Years Gallery 2014!

I joined Akam’s Photo Club on a photo walk a couple of days ago.
When I left home the sky was grey and it was raining a lot, so I actually stopped 5 meters outside the door, turned around and considered to stay at home instead. Then I thought that it would be good to meet some other photo nerds, so I defied the weather and went to meet them. I’m glad I did because we had a good photo walk, the weather cleared (well, sort of – it was still raining now and then during our walk) and besides, I needed to get a break from the house after having spent too much time inside during the holidays.


A double rainbow! I Wouldn’t have caught that from the comfort of my sofa.

Here it is: the last (and largest?) gallery from me this year. They were all shot a few days ago on the photo walk. See you in 2014! Enjoy life!

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