Create a list and follow tags in the WordPress reader

Create a new list

Create a new list

This is a neat feature for all of you that are registered on the WordPress platform. When you’re logged into WordPress, you can go to and create a list with tags that you’ll follow. I’ve created a list that I call “The Changing Seasons” and I’ve added the following tags:

The Changing Seasons
The Changing Season
Monthly Photo Challenge

This allows me to click on the list and see all the posts that are tagged with one of these tags. If the posts aren’t tagged with one of these tags, they won’t show up in the reader. Posts on blogs that aren’t on WordPress won’t show up either, even if they’re correctly tagged.

Follow list, by tags.

Follow list, by tags.



19 thoughts on “Create a list and follow tags in the WordPress reader

    • The tags works great. I also follow a lot of photo related tags and I’m planning to put them all in one list: it makes it more orderly than following a bunch of single tags.

    • I have both with and without the hashtag in my list. In the first post on my challenge I told people to tag their posts using the hashtags (
      Some people that’s participating in the challenge don’t use the hashtag, so to catch these posts in the reader I decided to include a search without the hashtag.

      Then I added “The Changing Season” because one participant misspelled the tag (no S in the end of the word), and I also added “Changing Seasons” (one participant tagged the post without using the word ‘the’). I had to remove that last tag (“Changing Seasons”), because it’s a very popular tag (it seems like everyone that posts a picture of a leaf uses that specific tag) and my reader got cluttered with posts that were unrelated to the challenge…

    • It’s an excellent tool to follow different subjects that you might be interested in. Sometimes you want to follow a subject, but not all the blogs that occasionally write about them.

  1. Pingback: Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 04 | Cardinal Guzman

  2. Pingback: Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 05 | Cardinal Guzman

  3. Pingback: Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 06 | Cardinal Guzman

  4. Pingback: Changing Seasons Introducing 2016 | Cardinal Guzman

  5. Pingback: The Changing Seasons: January 2016 | Cardinal Guzman

  6. When you posted the links to participants for your post for the [January monthly challenge](, I noticed that there are more links in your list than the number that show up in my WordPress Reader tag feed.

    Per your instructions, I added the following two tags to my monthly challenge post: **TheChangingSeasons** and **MonthlyPhotoChallenge**. Notice, there are no spaces between the words.

    However, some of the challenge participants are using #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons. They include the “#” symbol when tagging posts.

    Some are tagging using spaces between the words; e.g. The Changing Seasons and Monthly Photo Challenge. The reason they might be doing this confounded me until I found one of your blog posts from 2015 explaining how to tag posts.

    From your post.

    > When you’re logged into WordPress, you can go to and create a list with tags that you’ll follow. I’ve created a list that I call “The Changing Seasons” and I’ve added the following tags:

    > The Changing Seasons

    > \#TheChangingSeasons

    > The Changing Season

    > \#MonthlyPhotoChallenge

    > Monthly Photo Challenge

    Unfortunately, it seems that some of your participants who have been doing the challenge for a while did not realize that they should leave off the “#” and remove the spaces for the updated version of the challenge.

    This means the only way to fully see all participants is to add those tags to my WordPress reader tag feed or visit your monthly post for the list.

    It also seems that WordPress Reader no longer allows the creation of tag lists.


    Do you think it would benefits participants if you posted about how to properly tag posts?

    • Creating lists is still an option for me, but when I investigated it after reading your comment, I discovered that in order to create a new list, I actually have to enter this adress:
      Before it was enough to go to, so they’ve definitely changed something…

      I also noticed the “The Changing Season” tag, but I think it should be sasons, because it’s plural after all.
      I’ve added both with and without the hashtag in my list.

    • Forgot to say: It doesn’t matter if you write “The Changing Seasons” with or without spaces, because if you try to add both The Changing Seasons and TheChangingSeasons to a list, you’ll get a message that “the topic is already on the list”.

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