Hardtslående Samfunnskritikk fra Hakkebakkeskogen

Promo bilde for "Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen", Qvisten Animation, fra sf-film.no.

Promo bilde for “Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen”, Qvisten Animation, fra sf-film.no.

Sønnen min og jeg så «Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen» på førpremiere på Colosseum Kino like før jul. Det var en underholdende og spennede film med mange velskrevne og velkjente sanger. Dersom du har vokst opp i Norge i løpet av de siste 40-50 årene, så kjenner du garantert til flere av sangene.

Ganske tidlig i filmen møter vi Bakermester Harepus som, på fiffig vis, forsøker å videreformidle noe som mest sannsynlig er en gammel familieoppskrift, til lærlingen i bakeriet. Komplikasjoner oppstår raskt og uten å avsløre for mye kan jeg vel si at Thorbjørn Egner (forfatteren bak “Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen”) påpeker viktigheten av å lytte og å følge

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A slightly surrealistic hungover Nazi surprise

I was walking around in Prague, on my way to check out a famous tattoo shop, slightly hung over from the drinks that I had with my hosts the night before. Then all of a sudden I stumbled upon this film set where some Chinese film crew were making a movie. The film was about some Chinese guys (I’m assuming they were the heroes of the story) and it had something to do with Nazis, so there was all these swastikas, men in Nazi-uniforms, old cars and other Nazi effects scattered all around.

Self-portrait with swastika and two actors

Self-portrait with swastika and two actors

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Color Outside the Lines: A Tattoo Documentary (2012)

Color Outside the Lines: A Tattoo Documentary (2012):  All cultures have ancient tattoo roots: Polynesia, Celts, Japanese, Native Americans, etc, etc. Here the other day I saw a documentary that drew historical lines from the black American community, back to legendary tattoo artist such as Sailor Jerry & Ed Hardy and their contact with Japanese artists. The 1 1/2 hour-long documentary was insightful on how ink looks different on different kinds of skin, how it was like for black Americans when they first started out in the tattoo business and how some of them (not all of them!) came from a background as scratchers.

(A scratcher is an “inexperienced, untalented, unclean and untrained tattooer”. (urbandictionary.com). Scrathcers often work from their own homes, they have no respect for the art and uses tattooing (or scratching) as an easy way to make money).


Illustration photo from MBK Tattoo Contest 2015, by CardinalGuzman.wordpress.com

The documentary, directed by Artemus Jenkins and produced by Miya Bailey, has a number of interviews with black American tattoo old-schoolers like Jacci Gresham, plus a lot of younger artists – also some who are (or used to be) under the apprenticeship of hard-working tattoo artists.

“Color Outside the Lines is the first film that provides a deep look into the history, culture and lives of the world’s top black tattoo artists.” (YouTube)

If you’re interested in tattooing and tattoo history, I highly recommend this 1 1/2 hour documentary, which is available on YouTube:

More about tattoos in this blog:


My tattoo related Flickr Gallery:



Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk

This is obviously a manipulated photo – the Cardinal version of Travis Bickle:


«Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk.» – Travis Bickle. Original photo: 1976, New York, USA, Image by © Steve Schapiro/Corbis

The theme for #photo101 today is Treasure. The rain that washes the trash off the sidewalk, Taxi Driver, they’re both treasures.
If you’ve got time to waste, you should check out this list https://cardinalguzman.wordpress.com/movies/

The Metaphysical Rabbit Hole

Some years ago, two or more Norwegian stores sold candy containing the toxic chemical melamine. The candy is manufactured by the Chinese company Guanshengyuan Food Company in Shanghai, and it’s called White Rabbit. I’m not sure if the Chinese company got the White Rabbit from the Jefferson Airplane song or if they got it from the novel ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ written in 1865. The author of the novel was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson that wrote under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.



‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ (Alice in Wonderland) has inspired a lot of popular culture: I’ve already mentioned Jefferson Airplane, but also the character Neo, in the movie The Matrix, is encouraged to “follow the white rabbit” in one of the film’s metaphysical awakening scenes. In Carroll’s novel, the white rabbit shows up at the beginning of the story, Alice follows the rabbit down the rabbit hole leading to Wonderland – a wonderland that singer Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane, uses as a metaphor about drug affected experiences. Aah, lovely, lovely.

I can’t write about Grace Slick without mentioning the famous story when Grace Slick and Abbie Hoffman planned  to slip the drug LSD into Richard Nixon’s tea.

Here’s the full story, copied from a longer interview with Slick in Time out Chicago.

«Okay, tell me about trying to slip Richard Nixon acid at the White House.
See, Trish Nixon’s daughter went to Finch College, and it was so small that she invited all of the alumni to a tea at the White House. But my name when I went there was Grace Wing, that doesn’t mean anything right? Now, Grace Slick meant something. So I get an invitation to the White House and I call up Abbie Hoffman and say [Sing-songy] “Guess what I have….I’ve got an invitation to the White House.” So I put 600 mics of acid under a long fingernail I had for cocaine, and we go and we’re standing in line, and the security guard comes up to me and says, “I’m sorry you can’t go in. You’re a security risk.” And I go, “What?!” And he says, “You’re on the FBI list.” And I go, “What?!?!” And I found out that the members of Jefferson Airplane were on a list because of “suspect lyrics.” They didn’t know why I was a security threat, but they were right.

See, I learned all about formal teas at Finch College. You have two urns at either end of a long table and you stand—you don’t sit—and since I’m an entertainer, I gesture a lot, and I was gonna gesture across Nixon’s tea and in about a half an hour, he would’ve been out of his mind and nobody would’ve known why. But it didn’t matter because he was so goofy and made mistakes and got his own ass out of the White House. It amazed me that they didn’t say anything to Abbie.» (Source 1).

The Mad Hatter

Another one of my never ending projects:  «The Mad Hatter» Work in Progress - Digital drawing by CardinalGuzman.wordpress.com

«The Mad Hatter» Work in Progress – Digital drawing by CardinalGuzman.wordpress.com

Above you see another one of my never-ending projects: «The Mad Hatter», a work in progress . This is a digital drawing that I started working on several months ago, but I’ve just forgotten all about it lately.

Mercury poisoning, also known as hydrargyria or mercurialism)

From Wikipedia: “Mad as a hatter” is a colloquial phrase used in conversation to refer to a crazy person. In 18th and 19th century England mercury was used in the production of felt, which was used in the manufacturing of hats common of the time. People who worked in these hat factories were exposed daily to trace amounts of the metal, which accumulated within their bodies over time, causing some workers to develop dementia caused by mercury poisoning (called mad hatter syndrome). Thus, the phrase became popular as a way to refer to someone who was perceived as insane. (Source 2).

Tim Burton made a film version of Alice in Wonderland where Johnny Depp performs as the Hatter in the film. – Burton and Depp have collaborated on six films before and Mr. Depp seems to be tailor-made for the role as The Hatter.  Speaking of Depp (and Jefferson Airplane):  Terry Gilliam made a brilliant film “Fear and loathing in Las Vegas” where Johnny played the role of gonzo journalist Raoul Duke.

In that film Jefferson Airplane contributed to the soundtrack with another one of their famous songs: “Somebody to Love”, but let’s do like Alice did and follow the White Rabbit. Hopefully the following video clip isn’t blocked in your country or removed because of copyright blah, blah (that is one of the major problems when posting YouTube videos in your blog posts):

White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don’t do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she’s ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you’re going to fall
Tell ’em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Recall Alice
When she was just small

When men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you’ve just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving slow
Go ask Alice
I think she’ll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s “off with her head!”
Remember what the doormouse said;
“Feed your head. Feed your head.”

Research & sources:

This post has possibly been a window into an alternative world for you. A world that you’ve never experienced and most likely never will. See more windows here: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/01/10/photo-challenge-window/ 

The Movie List

Photo: imdb.com

I’ve made a list of movies that I think is worth watching. The plan was to write them all down in a post but, since I’ll be adding to the list as I watch new movies, I decided to make a new page instead. I would love to get recommendations for new movies, or to hear your opinion if you strongly agree/disagree with any of the movies on my list.

So, if you’re interested, please check out the list here: https://cardinalguzman.wordpress.com/movies/

Oil painting: Gangster City

I guess this part of America’s history is well-known by most people as it has been portrayed in a great number of movies (The Untouchables, Al Capone, etc) and tv-series, recently in the award-winning HBO-show Boardwalk Empire (which is based on the real life of Enoch Lewis “Nucky” Johnson). The era known as the Prohibition started in 1920 when the 18th Amendment banned the sale, transportation and manufacture of alcohol in America, and it lasted until 1933 when it all came to an end with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment.

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Winter orchids

The winter is coming, there is no doubt. I’ve heard people talk about it: the weather reporter on TV mentioned it, friends of friends on different websites specializing in social networking have discussed the subject, plus a family member that lives in far, far away land, told me they already had seen snow this year and that it was early. And then there’s convection… Continue reading

Louis de Bernieres “Red Dog” – the movie!

Red Dog movie poster

Red Dog movie poster

I was glad when I realized that this dog has made it to the movies!”Red Dog” is a short novel Louis de Bernières wrote after he discovered a statue of a dog in the city of Karratha in the Australian outback.

Kathryn Flett at Guardian.co.uk writes the following in her book review from 2001:

“Red Dog is the semi-fictionalised biography of an extraordinary Red Cloud Kelpie – a tough, stocky, short-haired, pointy-eared breed of Australian sheep dog, descended from the Scottish collie – who became a legend in Western Australia during his short life (1971- 1979 RIP). Continue reading