Good Things Are Happening

Next week I’ll participate in a photo exhibition. It’s a group exhibition with more than 70 contemporary Norwegian photographers and I’m looking forward to see what the others will exhibit and how they express themselves. The exhibition is held from Monday January 25th – Sunday, 31 January at 12-17 and it makes me feel optimistic about the coming week.

Another thing that makes me feel optimistic is when I see a nice piece of ass, like this one:

Self-portrait with son in a nice piece of ass.

Self-portrait with son in a nice piece of ass.

The photo that I’ll exhibit next week is an improved version of one that I’ve posted in this blog before:

I guess that close to none of the readers of my blog will be in Oslo next week, but here’s more about the exhibition (and a couple of related links):

Photo Exhibition | Cyan: scholarship exhibition.

Enjoy the Ride

One B/W and one color photo:


My son was born on Friday the 05th of April 2013.

Enjoy your ride on this planet. No-one knows how long the ride will last, we only know that we’re all in it for life.

I sincerely hope that your stay will be wonderful and I’ll do my best to give you a good start.

Love, dad

Like father, like son: they're both fond of tits.

Like father, like son: they’re both fond of tits.

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