The Changing Seasons: October 2016

Autumn has definitely arrived. Colorful leaves on the trees and the ground. Rainy days, cold, chilly, then suddenly a couple of “warm” and sunny days. It’s a beautiful season, but at the same time it means that winter is coming.

Here’s my gallery this month: a couple of the photos are from the last days of September, but most of them from the beginning of October.

V2: My Version 2 this month

In 2012 I shot a photo of Akerselva (Aker River) one early morning. Yesterday I went there again to re-shoot the area, not only that particular place, but several spots along the river. You can never fully recreate a photo and get the same result, because it’s too many random things that you have no control over, but it’s still fun to re-shoot places and compare the shots afterwards. In 2012 I was there early in the morning, yesterday in the afternoon, so obviously the light was different, but also the foliage. Different cameras and optics were used in the two shots.
I’ve added the original photo for comparison.

All the photos from yesterday’s photo-walk is uploaded to my Flickr account, so make sure to check out the gallery there.
Here’s another one for comparison, it was taken next to Hønse Lovisas Hus:

There’s a lot of Akerselva photos in the Flickr gallery, plus some videos from the opening of the local skate park.

What’s this «Changing Seasons» blogging challenge?

«The Changing Seasons 2016» is a blogging challenge with two versions: the original (V1) which is purely photographic and the new version (V2) where you can allow yourself to be more artistic and post a painting, a recipe, a digital manipulation, or simply just one photo that you think represents the month. Anyone with a blog can join this challenge and it’ll run throughout 2017.
It doesn’t matter if you couldn’t join the first month(s), late-comers are welcomed.
These are the rules, but they’re not written in stone – you can always improvise, mix & match to suit your own liking:

These are the rules for Version 1 (The Changing Seasons V1):

  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
  • Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery.
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.

These are the rules for Version 2 (The Changing Seasons V2):

    • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
    • Each month, post one photo (recipe, painting, drawing, whatever) that represents your interpretation of the month.
    • Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!


Links to participants:

55 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons: October 2016

  1. I really like the one of the tank and the museum – perfect timing of the guy looking up at the tree. He looks confused 😀 Ahh, winter is coming your way. Well, it means more hot chocolate for you and the kiddo 😀

  2. Pingback: Akerselva h2o – artishorseshit

  3. I’ve been admiring your Akerselva for years now. Love that shot! The whole post is lovely. I thought I would have a good month in October, but it turned out to be anything but.

  4. As beautiful as all the yellows look on the trees, it is also really sad because we know what’s coming next.

    My favourite photo is the ground shot of the leaves banked up along the curb. I was out yesterday to admire the colours and a patch of leaves like this one had caught my eye … but your photo is SO MUCH better!

  5. I’m glad to see autumn lighting up your photography. October is the photographer’s best month in this part of the world. And the foliage is almost finished as of today. Too soon it will be winter. My post will be up tomorrow. Hugs.

  6. I know its time but I swear, nothing has changed around here. The temperatures have dipped from the summer highs of 115 to the 80’s but we haven’t really had any rain so everything looks pretty much the same. I’m just waiting for a cloudy day or maybe I’ll go out at night to see if there are any halloween decorations. Anyway, I enjoyed your gallery and the comparisons between 2012 and the present. Great work!

    • Thank you Emilio. Some night photography sounds awesome! I heard about some meteor thingy that is happening tonight: I charged the batteries and got everything ready, only to realize that it’s rainy and cloudy… Hehe.

      • I heard most of the states were going to be cloudy, but our area is supposed to be one of the best for viewing. Unfortunately they said early morning is the best time and it is usually impossible for us to get out of the house before 10 am.

  7. Pingback: Changing Seasons in the Park: October 2016 | Elizabatz Gallery

  8. Pingback: Melancholy in October | Lost in Translation

  9. Pingback: October: A Month of Change | My Life Lived Full

  10. Pingback: The Changing Seasons, October 2016 | Zimmerbitch

  11. Pingback: October Part I: Kalimantan

  12. Pingback: October-The Changing Seasons V2 | the beespeak

  13. Pingback: Changing Seasons 2016: October | The Storyteller's Abode

  14. Pingback: Cardinal Guzman’s Changing Seasons – October 2016 – Photos by Emilio

  15. Pingback: October sunset… – Patricia's Place

  16. Lovely autumn tints here CG and I love your photos of Akerselva. You still seem to have some warmth in your part of the world, but I must confess that I do love your winter scenes although I appreciate you probably don’t!

    My October has been very quiet after a hectic September, except for a wonderful short visit to Barcelona in the middle of the month which energized me somewhat, but locally… well pop over when you have the time and have a look 🙂

  17. Throughout 2017? Was that always there? Well, then, if you don’t mind, at the beginning of the year I am going to say good-bye to Calico Basin and find another area to shoot. I’m thinking the Las Vegas Strip. Once a month. Maybe to see how the tourists dress differently each season- since the weather doesn’t change much. I’ve been enjoying this challenge, Max. Thanks!

    • It wasn’t always there, I added it this month ()no-one noticed it).
      Another area is welcomed. The Strip sounds awesome!
      I haven’t planned what I’ll do yet, but probably I’ll post only one photo each month: I’m tired of photographing Oslo.

  18. Oslo looks beautiful with all the autumnal colours. I love the shot of the leaves on the road – that’s a sight I always love to see!

  19. Pingback: A Changing Classroom: October | Colline's Blog

  20. Pingback: The Changing Seasons – October 2016 | Mama Cormier

  21. Pingback: Changing Seasons 11/12 – Mara Eastern

  22. Pingback: November-The Changing Seasons V2 (Color Magic) | the beespeak

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