Weekly Photo Challenge: Humanity

Dachau concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau, IPA: [ˈdaxaʊ]) was the first of the Nazi concentration camps opened in Germany, intended to hold political prisoners. It is located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the medieval town of Dachau, about 16 km (9.9 mi) northwest of Munich in the state of Bavaria, in southern Germany.[1] Opened in 1933 by Heinrich Himmler, its purpose was enlarged to include forced labor, and eventually, the imprisonment of Jews, ordinary German and Austrian criminals, and eventually foreign nationals from countries that Germany occupied or invaded. It was finally liberated in 1945.

Prisoners lived in constant fear of brutal treatment and terror detention including standing cells, floggings, the so-called tree or pole hanging, and standing at attention for extremely long periods. There were 32,000 documented deaths at the camp, and thousands that are undocumented. (Source: Wikipedia.org)

See more posts on humanity here: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/dp_photo_challenge/humanity

28 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Humanity

  1. Max, that last photo really invokes the feeling of the concentration camp back then. A powerful post! I really like both of your photos and how you compiled them with the photos that you have found there at the memorial (my guess). When were you at Dachau? (my post has a dark side too – in the photo of protest against organ harvesting in Chinese prisons, so our interpretations aren’t that different 😉 )

    • Your guess is as accurate as it can possibly get! The two first ones and the last one are my shots, the other two are photos of old pictures that was on the walls in Dachau. We were there back in 2011 when we visited Munchen. Organ harvesting is disgusting and it’s still being practiced today in some countries.
      Humanity isn’t all “love and happiness”.

      • No, it isn’t. Your post has shown the humanity’s darkest side. It must have been really emotional to visit a place like this.

  2. Perfect illustration of man’s inhumanity to humanity…all of which is, unfortunately, part of humanity. We had related thoughts this week, although mine came from the other side.


  3. People who call this inhumanity are people who cannot accept the fact that any one of us could do this to another human. Being aware of the darkness inside you, is the only way you can keep it in bay. Today’s politics lead by Cameron et al, has already forced many people to live what I would call hell. The exactly same happened in 1930s, it has happened many times before that and will happen again. My correction, it’s already happening.

  4. Thanks for sharing and the reminder about how inhumane humanity can be, as you have said that is part of our nature no matter how civilised we are. We do need to be reminded so we may better ourselves in the future.

  5. Mere mention of Nazi camps evokes a very sadist kind of feeling, sometimes anger as well. I have seen those movies and documentaries of these camps. And always wondered how humanity can be so ruthless and merciless. I seriously wish that those were the last of their kind in world history. But no. Today world is grappling with serious situations and i find humanity at stakes again. Not sure whats the way forward and the solution. Humanity will come to such a stage, had never thought of.

    Thanks for heart rendering blog and the photos. Do visit my photos as well. 🙂

    • Dhanyavad Suyash-ji. Thanks for these profound and reflective thoughts on the subject. Humanity definitely has some serious issues at the moment with a lot of negative things happening. In my opinion there’s no quick and easy answers or solutions to the problems.

      Another thing: I remember that, at first, I was surprised to see the swastika when I visited India. Even though I knew that this was originally an ancient Hindu and Buddhist symbol. After having seen it a couple of times in temples here & there, the feeling wore off and I ended up thinking about how it’s a shame that European politics in the 1940’s, has changed Westerners perception of this ancient symbol.

      • You have such a profound knowledge about India and its many religions. I am so so glad. I know, those 8 weeks in Rishikesh, must have had an impregnable impact on you. So good.

        O Cardinal, you touched upon such an interesting topic. When I first saw about WWII and Nazis using Swastika, I was so surprised. Because its the same one which we use it in Hindu religion. I could still not understand how and when Nazis got fascinated (if ever) by this symbol. Its such a sacred symbol. To be used and remembered related with such an atrocity in the human history, I feel so ashamed sometimes. I wish we had the power to change history, if not always, at least once in our lifetime.

  6. My grandfather spent the last two years of the war in Dachau, my great grand father died there. When I visited Dachau 15 years ago, I felt it was all too white, too pristine looking.

    • Sorry to hear about your grandfather and great grandfather Bob. I’m glad that none of my relatives had to suffer in Dachau. I agree that it looked a bit pristine there, but still it was worth the visit.

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