The Changing Seasons: March 2016

Time for another “Changing Seasons” post. If you don’t know this challenge, you can read more about it at the bottom of this post or in the introduction post. Those of you who follow the news and such, are probably aware that it’s March by now. This means brighter & warmer days here in this part of the world.

I haven’t taken a lot of photos in March – I’m still in this kind of hibernating winter mode, but I did manage to get enough photos for a gallery. No exceptional photos, but acceptable results from a photographer that’s been busy hibernating.

Here’s my V1 gallery for this month:

So, what happened in March? Earlier in March I got a new sofa and that’s why my V2 this month is a time-lapse of me assembling the sofa. I got inspired to add the music after Mara Eastern and myself had a conversation about the Czech TV-series «Pat a Mat» (link to YouTube, will open in new window).

What’s this «Changing Seasons» blogging challenge?

«The Changing Seasons 2016» is a blogging challenge with two versions: the original (V1) which is purely photographic and the new version (V2) where you can allow yourself to be more artistic and post a painting, a recipe, a digital manipulation, or simply just one photo that you think represents the month. Anyone with a blog can join this challenge and it’ll run throughout 2016. It doesn’t matter if you couldn’t join the first month(s), late-comers are welcomed. These are the rules, but they’re not written in stone – you can always improvise, mix & match to suit your own liking:

These are the rules for Version 1 (The Changing Seasons V1):

  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
  • Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery.
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.

These are the rules for Version 2 (The Changing Seasons V2):

  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
  • Each month, post one photo (recipe, painting, drawing, whatever) that represents your interpretation of the month.
  • Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!

Check out the links to other entries:



This post is dedicated to my dear friend Eric G.

Eric G.

Eric G.


100 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons: March 2016

  1. Pingback: Summer’s end – photography plus

  2. I like that shot with the reflections. Looking forward to the official start of spring shortly, but even more for the actual spring as presented by nature. Happy March to you, Cardinal.


  3. It’s time for another changing seasons instalment yet? I’ve been hibernating so hard that I quite forgot to take any pictures. I might just throw in some phone snaps, which I’ve taken plenty.

    I can’t even begin to say how much I adore your video. The Pat and Mat music of course is a perfect fit – assembling a sofa is just the kind of thing the two would do, except they would fail at it pathetically. Your video is thirty seconds of sheer hilariousness 😀

    • Same situation here: hibernating and leaving the camera at home or carrying it with me, safely stored in the camera bag…
      These are basically all the photos that I’ve shot this month. Sometimes, in the summer months, I have hundreds of photos to choose from.
      “Pat a Mat” is the perfect music for this clip and I’m glad you liked it. Thanks again for the inspiration. Dumporamas, Pat a Mat, what’s next?!? Every time I’m stuck in a creative shit creek, I’ll be looking to you for inspiration now. 😀

  4. Lovely set of shots for another month. The toy car one looks cozy. I also like the one of the lone figure at the Opera House. Something about that shot screams lonely to me. All shots your shots are always something, Cardinal. No need to apologise 😀

    You look very much the handiman in the video. It is a pretty big sofa, and I hope it was a good sit and didn’t disappoint after you fixed it all up 😀 It’s turning cold here in Australia so I am going to do a bit of hibernating here.

    • Thank you very much Miss Mabel. Cold? In Australia? Well, it’s all relative I guess. 😀
      I don’t like any of the photos that I took this month, but I’m pleased with the sofa time-lapse and also with the sofa: it’s comfortable as hell and I got it for free. My old one was a garden/balcony sofa which was not meant for binge watching.

  5. Love the shots. Is that flooding at City Hall or do they normal try to drown the politicians? I am interested why there is a statue of Roosevelt. Clearly, I don’t know his past as I am sure there is an important reason.

    I will be working on my shots for this month this week. Off to photograph a Best Warrior Competition. My soldiers will do most of the photograph now that I am “planner” but hopefully they will let me get a few shots of the Soldiers as they run, crawl, shoot and etc. If not, well, I will wander around a new city for shots. Oh what the hell, I’ll do a little of both.

  6. I loved your video! I laughed at the frequent discoveries of toys and legos as you were going through the process. So the video was 30 seconds, but what was the actual elapsed time and how much swearing was involved?! 😉

  7. Pingback: Changing Seasons: Marching Right Along | My Life Lived Full

  8. Well “Hibernator”…I love the shots you have taken!!! other news…here in my part of the world…temperatures are in mid 30s in celsius! 😀

    • Well, you don’t have to be afraid to get cold because your sweater might be too thin for the afternoon. It sucks getting dressed during spring/autumn: the temperatures change so much between the morning, mid-day and afternoon. Either you wear too much/too warm clothes, or too little & too thin, so that you’ll get cold.

  9. Was that ice on the river? I like all the photos with reflections. Reminds me that winter/spring can often be a time for inner reflection, even when so much change is going on (thawing and such). The palace guards are a treat. They’re so spiffy!

    • Yes, it was ice on the fjord by the opera, but it’s melted now. Winter is definitely a good time to stay inside and reflect on this & that: nurture your inner self.

  10. I also have been more or less hibernating, partly because I have the chest cold that simply won’t go away. Not bad enough to be REALLY sick, but not feeling good, either. But I had an idea for this post since it happens to coincide with this year’s Vernal Equinox. It will be up on Tuesday … need some time to process the pictures.

    Congratulations on your sofa. New furniture is always an event around here. We got a new dog, which is also a major event. But we didn’t have to assemble him 😉 Thanks for hosting this challenge. It’s my favorite. And it’s supposed to snow tonight … winter’s last gasp. I’m waiting to see if it really happens because that’s a whole new set of pictures.

    • I’ve been sick this winter too. Almost constantly: not sick enough to be sick and not well enough to feel good, but now spring is finally here. 🙂
      Congrats on the new dog! Sometimes I wish that I had a dog, but then I think about the responsibility, the hairs and the fact that it makes it more difficult to travel, and then I’m glad that I don’t have one.

  11. Pingback: A Roamin’ Walk through Roman St Albans | Travel with Intent

  12. Pingback: March-The Changing Seasons V2 | the beespeak

  13. all photos around the opera house are just awesome… so is the timelapse video 🙂
    and I hope to be able to join the seasons challenge this time 🙂

    • You’re right: it didn’t ping. I don’t understand why, because I checked it in your post and everything is correct, so it should have shown up here. It wasn’t in my spam folder either.
      Anyway, I added a link to your post. Thanks for the entry (and for getting up that early!)

    • Playing with cars can be fun (but I’ll have to admit that it’s not as fun as it once used to be..) 😀
      I’m looking forward to building stuff with lego.

  14. Pingback: Marching through March i.e. when Winter meets Spring | Lost in Translation

  15. Pingback: The Changing Seasons – March 16 – Captivate Me

  16. Pingback: changing seasons | v2 | three | andy townend

  17. Pingback: The Changing Seasons: March – freshpaula

  18. Pingback: Self-portraits With Ink – Cardinal Guzman

  19. Pingback: The Changing Seasons – Sydney: March | Pics by Kaz

    • I know! It’s very large and very comfortable. Just got myself a Netflix account too and the sofa is perfect for binge watching (which I’ll get right back to after I’ve replied to a few comments).

  20. Pingback: March Bland to Grand – Just another photo blog

  21. Pingback: March view… | Patricia's Place

  22. Pingback: Changing Seasons ~ March 2016 [87/365] – tassitus

  23. Morrn,
    What a wonderful post! The photos are the same high quality as usual — I so enjoyed looking at them. Thanks for the LOL about the video/time-lapse. I wish a piece of furniture would be assembled that fast 🙂

    Here’s my little contribution to March:

  24. Pingback: Changing Seasons 3/12 – Mara Eastern

  25. Pingback: March: Windswept | Tish Farrell

  26. I could use one just like that, Cardinal! Do you hire yourself out? I was about to wish you happy March when I realised it’s almost April. Forward progress 🙂 🙂

  27. Pingback: Changing Seasons – March – Autumn and shorter days | RuthsArc

  28. Pingback: The Changing Seasons: autumn on a plate | Zimmerbitch

  29. Pingback: Changing Seasons in the Park: March 2016 | Elizabatz Gallery

  30. Pingback: March

  31. Pingback: Changing Seasons – Mixing It Up In March | Destination Unknown

  32. Pingback: The changing seasons : March… | gypsy life

  33. Pingback: Changing Seasons ~ March 2016 [88/365] – Tassitus

  34. Pingback: Changing Seasons at the Crags: March – Aspernauts

  35. Pingback: Orbs of May – Just another photo blog

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