A re-make of The Grinding Mills at Leine

Back in 2011 I wrote a post called «The Ancient Grinding Mills at Leine, Valdres». A few weeks ago I had a Couchsurfer visiting me from Poland and since she’s very interested in old architecture and Viking stuff, I decided to re-process these old photos and post them again.

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The Ancient Grinding Mills at Leine, Valdres

There are many different types of grinding mills and many types of materials processed in them. Historically mills were powered by hand (mortar and pestle), working animal (horse mill), wind (windmill) or water (watermill). The grinding mills at Leine are water powered and situated next to a creek called Leineåne. There used to be 13 grinding mills at Vennis, but most of them were destroyed during the big flood back in 1860. Here you can see photos and read about this old Norwegian history. Continue reading