Dómkirkjan í Reykjavík

Played around with this photo I shot in Reykjavík.

Dómkirkjan í Reykjavík

Dómkirkjan í Reykjavík

The Lutheran Cathedral was built 1788-1796 enlarged and renovated around 1847. At the time of its inauguration 1796, all inhabitants of Reykjavik found room in the building.
There has been a church on this site since around 1200 AD. The sand for the masonry was imported from Denmark as if there were no sand to be found in Iceland. It was in this church that Iceland’s national anthem was first sung in 1874.


28 thoughts on “Dómkirkjan í Reykjavík

  1. Lovely!

    I saw this church when I was there! Had an 11 hours stop-over there last year. Took a taxi from Keflavik in to the city, during the worst thinkable storm, but I’m still glad I did. Had the guy drive me around there, and stop when I wanted to take photos. What a place … I would love to go back, rent a car and drive around on the island. Totally fell in love with the desolate scenery …

  2. I remember Reykjavik from the Millennium Trilogy. Now I see why Stieg Larsson chose it as his setting. Excellent shots, Cardinal. I like the post-processing too. 🙂

    • Here’s some more: On Whitsunday 1825 one of the roof beams squeaked so much, that the congregation was driven mad with fear and escaped through doors and windows.

      Haha! 😀

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  4. Wonderful image, Cardinal! Were you able to step inside the church? Curious as to what it looked like inside.
    Thanks for keeping in touch and the feedback. The support is greatly welcomed!

  5. When I learned that Icelandair allowed a free stopover in Iceland on its flights to Europe, my sister and I stopped there on our way to France and saw what we could see of Reykjavik in one day. It was a really interesting city, and I hope to go back. I remember going to the National Museum, and the church, and you have captured it beautifully.

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